Module Online Store at Start
Suitable editions 1C-Bitrix:
small business
corporate portal
1C-Bitrix24: Online store + CRM
1 000 rub.
A module that allows you to implement a small online store on junior editions of 1c-Bitrix, where there is no standard module "Online Store" (sale).The solution is perfect for developers to implement simple online stores.
It includes a number of components:
sale.basket-shopping cart
sale. order-a component of the checkout
sale. smallbasket-a small basket, displays information about the number of products in the basket
sale.addtobasket - add to cart. A service component that accepts 3 parameters: the ID of the product to be added, the quantity, and the address of the cart page where the redirect occurs
These components appear in the component tree of the visual editor after installing the module, if this does not happen, update the cache in the visual editor.
The module stores the added products in the session, so when the session disappears, the shopping cart is also reset.
The price of the product must be stored in the property with the symbol code PRICE, type number.
This solution is an auxiliary tool that is used for developers.
This module is a huge space for development. We are ready for proposals to increase its functionality...
Instructions for setting up the Online Store Module at the Start.
For the module to work correctly, it is necessary that all the latest updates of the 1c-Bitrix modules are installed on the site and the test "Settings -> Tools -> System Check" should not return errors.