Product Collections in/Categories for SEO
Suitable editions 1C-Bitrix:
small business
corporate portal
1C-Bitrix24: Online store + CRM
Bitrix24 in a box - Corporate portal
Bitrix24 in a box - Enterprise
10 000 rub.
Important update:- An update of the module is available, which includes a new interface for selecting products in the collection-the filter interface, which supports all information blocks in all editions of 1C-Bitrix. This interface is similar to the filter in the list of information block elements in the administrative section.
- Collecting products with a discount has become much more convenient, details.
Linking the goods of the collection to the sections of infobook highlights a number of advantages:
- allows you to organize sections that automatically collect products with different parameters.
- there are no separate components, so there is no need to adjust anything to the site design. everything will work within your current design, if the catalog output is already configured.
- support for the 1C-Bitrix smart filter.
- since collections are built on the basis of InfoBlock sections, all the functionality of the sections is preserved, such as the ability to set unique SEO information, a description and a unique URL, and other points.
Typical usage examples:
1) Organize the section "Sale" (or "Shares")
Sections where products of certain parameters should be displayed, for example, belong to one brand, or have a specific color. There are countless cases. Manually linking products to this section is not very convenient. The "Product collections in sections" module makes it easy to organize such sections.
Additionally, in the article-discounted Products-sales using collections or discounted Products to collect has become even easier.
2) Creating special categories where you need to display products of certain groups.
For example, the sports goods website already has sections:
- Treadmills
- Elliptical trainer
- Exercise bike
- ...
- - For feet
- - For hands
- - For the back
- - For the press
3) Build up a hierarchy.
One of the best examples of using the module is if you need to create a hierarchy of sections that is fundamentally different from the hierarchy in the accounting system (program). For example, products are added from 1C or parsed from another source, where the section structure is not the same as you need. You only need to create the structure you need once, set the rules for sections using the conditions constructor, and products will automatically fall into these sections. Unnecessary sections that were added from the original source will only need to be deactivated.4) Organize sections from brands.
For example:
- brand 1
- brand 2
- brand 3 .
- ..
5) Discount products.
In designer terms ask conditions similar discounts and the goods will be collected in a certain section, then it can be used for only promotional products.
Sometimes it is necessary to perform the opposite task, to make collections separate from the catalog, so that they have a hotel page (category), do not display sections-collections in the menu or in other places along with other sections, visually represent a separate entity. By default, this is not supported, but simple improvements can be made to adapt the module to solve this problem, and we are ready to help*.
6) Implementation of the dubbed subsections.
Linking a section to multiple parent sections
Sometimes you need to link a single subsection to multiple sections. This is not possible by default, because you can only select one "parent" for a section, unlike products.
You can use this module to work around this problem by creating a duplicate subsection and specifying the source subsection in the collection conditions.
For example, you have a partition tree built:
- Smartphones
- Cases
- Tablets
The end result will be:
- Smartphones
- Cases
- Tablets
- Cases
- Re-indexing binds the items to the collections, but also leaves them tied to their old sections, for which the collection is not configured. Therefore, if there is a need for goods to answer only to one URL address, you need to configure support for canonical links. More about this in the documentation: Main section of the element and support of canonical references.
- The collection must be replayed only once after its creation or if the collection conditions have been changed.
Any other questions? Then contact us in any convenient way.
+7 (987) 700-54-78
Skype scoder.ru
important technical points:
- in the Junior versions (Start, Standard, Expert), only the filter interface is supported.
- This module is developed using API D7.
- Minimum technical requirements for the product from version 18.0:
- PHP version 7.
- MySQL version 5.
- For the module to work, these modules must be installed: iblock, highloadblock.
More examples in the articles:
- How to turn the weekend to your advantage
- How can I help a customer get to the product page they need?
- Easy product search. With care for SEO specialists and content managers
- Prepare your online store for the day of Knowledge
- How to organize a catalog correctly and better
- How can I make my site more convenient and attractive and increase the number of sales? Prepare your online store for Black Friday, New year, Christmas, February 23, March 8 better than others