TD "Stroybat" - online store of construction goods


Website it operates in the format of an online store with the possibility of further servicing its customers. Attractive design and correct design of the site pages are the work of our specialists.

We have provided the following features:

  • use of photos with the subsequent possibility of enlarging the subject for a close view;
  • colorful graphics;
  • strict composition in terms of information distribution.

This helps users to coordinate their actions faster and more effectively and adjust to the desired mood.
Considerable efforts were invested in optimizing and improving the product catalog, which presents a wide range of construction equipment, tools, as well as various equipment and components. The catalog is designed in such a way that the user can find the product he needs without unnecessary and long searches only by hovering the cursor over the tab with the product name.

In addition, the catalog is strictly structured by sections, simple and adaptive even for beginners. In the "Service Center" section, customers have the opportunity to check the repair status of their equipment by the contract number, and here is information about the location of the service center for future customers.

This innovation has its advantages, such as saving time and reducing material and other costs. Thus, all of the above aspects reveal powerful functionality for the successful operation of the site with an action aimed at the result.
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